2.3 The Karamba3D Menu

Karamba3D integrates a menu entry into the Grasshopper menu bar.

The Karamba3D menu includes the following options:

  • Physical Units: Allows setting the unit system and the length unit for geometry input. When set via the menu, these settings are stored in the Grasshopper definition, overriding individual user settings upon document opening. The definition needs to be recomputed for units changes to take effect.

  • Show Components: this menu item opens three options:

    • View parametric UI: Toggles visibility of components that can be used to parametrically control how a model gets rendered.

    • View WIP Components: Toggles visibility of work-in-progress (WIP) components.

    • Set Language for Components: Selects the language for user interface text.

  • Settings: For modification of initial settings used in Karamba3D.. See section 2.4 for details on how user settings are organized on Karamba3D.

    • Edit User Settings (show everything): Opens the default text editor with a temporary copy of the karamba.ini user settings. Save changes via the editor's "save" button to avoid loss. Upon exit, a message box displays user changes.

    • Edit User Settings (show overwrites only): Displays only lines differing from global karamba.ini settings.

    • Show Path to File with User Settings: Shows the path to user karamba.ini settings, typically located under "%appdata%\Karamba".

  • Help: Provides access to help resources:

    • Docs: Opens the documentation in the default browser.

    • Examples: Offers a choice between opening the examples webpage on Karamba3D.com or the local examples folder.

    • Tutorials: Directs to the tutorials webpage of Karamba3D.com

    • API Documentation: Opens the Karamba3D API documentation.

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