Line to Beam

The “LineToBeam” component converts lines into beam elements. Fig. illustrates how the component takes two lines as input, determines their connections, and outputs beams and a set of unique points representing their endpoints. Lines with identical endpoints are automatically removed.

The “LineToBeam” component accepts straight lines, polylines, and splines as geometric input. Polylines are exploded into segments, and splines are divided based on the parameters "ToPAng", "ToPTol", and "ToPMinL" - see the description below for their meaning. All coordinates are in meters (or feet for Imperial units).

For cross-section design, the buckling length assumed for individual elements is crucial. By default, if “SetBkl” is "True", the distance between the endpoints of a line, polyline, or spline is used as the initial buckling length assumption for all created elements. An automatically assumed value for the buckling length is marked with a negative sign but is taken as an absolute value in the design procedures. This assumption can be overridden via a "ModifyBeam"-component by the user by supplying a positive buckling length. In case that the simplified buckling length calculation done by Karamba3D (see section 3.6.8: Optimize Cross Section) leads to a larger value than the initial assumption then the larger value is applied. A User defined positive buckling length always wins over any assumptions.

The “Color” input allows defining a color for rendering elements. To display the colors, activate the “Elements” button in the “Colors” submenu of the “ModelView” component and ensure the “Cross section” option in the “Render Settings” submenu of the “BeamView” component is enabled.

Elements can have non-unique names via the “Id” input, accepting a list of strings as identifiers. The default is an empty string. Each beam has a default name: its zero-based index in the model. Identifiers help group beams for modification or display. To assign multiple names to an element, use the notation '&"id1"|"id2"|"id3"|...' or shorter '&id1|id2|id3|...'.

Cross-sections can be attached to elements with the “CroSec” input. Cross-section definitions via the “Assemble” component override these settings.

A click on the “Options” submenu heading reveals additional input-options of the “LineToBeam”-component:

Beams that meet at a common point are by default connected rigidly in the structural model like they were welded together. See section 3.3.6 on how to define joints at the end of beams. The “Info” output-plug informs about the number of removed nodes and beams.

Beams come with several default properties to be immediately useful. These can be seen in the top right string-output of Fig. “active” means that a beam will be included in the structural model. The default cross-section is a circular hollow profile with a diameter of 114 mm and a wall thickness of 4 mm. The default material is steel of grade “S235” according to Eurocode 3.

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