Version 2.2.0 WIP
New in Karamba3D 2.2.0 WIP
'ShellSection'-component for retrieving cross section forces and other results along arbitrary sections of shells.
Additional types of loads for beam- and truss-elements.
Line joints for shells
'Cross Section Properties'-component for calculating geometric properties of arbitrary cross sections
Membrane elements
A refined element selection component
On-the-fly installation via YAK
Automatic generation of value-lists for several components (e.g. load-case input, dof input at supports,...)
Rendering beams and shells with cross sections results in watertight meshes with normals pointing outward.
Different types of strength hypotheses for biaxial stress states
Physical units of calculation and input quantities can be freely specified
'ModelView'-component: Input-plug 'DispDir' lets one specify a direction for selecting displacement-components to be displayed. When supplying a plane, displacements get projected onto it.
'Optimize Cross Section'-component: Input 'MaxDisp' can be supplied with a vector for specifying the length and direction component for limiting displacements.
'ShellLineResults'-component: added display-option 'TransverseShear'.
Added materials to the material data base.
Added 'Dofs' input-plug to 'PrescribedDisplacements'- and 'Support'-component.
'Shell View': Added cross section rendering without colors like in place for beams.
'Settings'-component to update program options within Grasshopper.
Load-cases identifiers: Names can be used instead of numbers.
JointAgent-component: the given criteria for joint placement are combined via 'and' instead of 'or'.
Changes that change old definition results
Point-masses are excluded from the calculation of model mass and COG
Changed coefficient of thermal expansion alphaT for all types of steel material from 1.0E-5 to 1.2E-5 .
Minor Changes
'ModelView'-component: 'Render Settings'-submenu: upper and lower range for color-plots can now be set independently for '% of range' and 'absolute value'.
Added absolute scale for the display of cross section diagrams
Normal force diagram: changed color for compression and tension to ligth salmon and light blue respectively.
'BeamView'- and 'ShellView'-component: Output of multiple meshes now as one welded mesh for faster display. Can be changed in karamba.ini via 'weld_shell_meshes_for_output' and 'weld_beam_meshes_for_output' variables.
'Modify Beam'-component:
'Joint'-input added
'lg' input added for specifying the position of external loads for calculating lateral torsional buckling resistance
Joints: display of stiffness values added.
Made element-set identifiers secondary element identifiers. This makes element-selection acccording to element-sets possible after model disassembly.
Added Indian NPB and WPB I-Profiles to cross section library.
Last updated