
The "ReactionView" component controls the display of reaction forces. Figure illustrates the X- and Z-components of reaction forces in a grid of beams subjected to a uniform line load. The radio buttons in the "Reactions" submenu allow the user to select which reaction components to display. An upstream "ModelView" component can be used to restrict visibility to specific parts of the model.

The arrows representing reaction forces and moments are colored according to the magnitude of the values they represent. The "Legend C" and "Legend T" outputs, in conjunction with a Grasshopper-native Legend component, map these colors to the corresponding values. The color scheme can be customized by supplying a list of colors to the "Colours" input plug, or by selecting a predefined color list from the context menu via right-click on the component icon.

Render Settings

The "Render Settings" submenu allows the selection of specific reaction forces for display. For certain foundation types, distinguishing between tensile and compressive forces is crucial. The "Show positive Values" and "Show negative Values" buttons enable visibility adjustment based on the sign of the result values.

To focus on larger values, the "Ignore |Values| smaller than" slider can be used to filter out reaction components whose absolute value is below a user-defined threshold. The "Vector Symbol Thickness" slider controls the line thickness of the vector symbols representing reaction forces.

Display Scales

The "ReactionView" component offers two modes for scaling reaction vectors based on their value:

  1. Scale Mode: When this mode is active, the "Scale [kNm] to [m]" sliders allow the user to define a fixed proportional relationship between reaction forces/moments and the size of the reaction symbols.

  2. Map to Size Range: In this mode, users can define the maximum and minimum size of the reaction symbols. The reaction forces and moments are mapped to these limits, with the "Size Range Lower Limit" and "Size Range Upper Limit" sliders controlling the smallest and largest reaction arrow sizes.


The "Display Annotations" button toggles the display of numerical result values at the arrow symbols. The "Annotation Scale" slider adjusts the font size of these annotations.

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