4.1.0: FAQ

Why can Karamba3D calculate so fast – what is the solver behind?

The calculation engine of Karamba3D is written in C++ and leverages parallelization whenever possible. The solver used is Pardiso, part of Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL).

What are the calculation methods?

  • Beams: Karamba3D uses a power series approach to compute the element stiffness and states at arbitrary points along the elements. This method, based on work by Helmut Rubin, includes second-order theory and utilizes the Timoshenko-Ehrenfest beam theory, which accounts for shear deformations.

  • Shells: Triangular shell elements in Karamba3D are based on the TRIC element by Argyris. These elements follow a Euler-Bernoulli approach, meaning that lines initially perpendicular to the middle plane remain perpendicular in the deformed configuration.

What is the buckling calculation method?

Karamba3D's buckling calculations are based on solving the generalized Eigenvalue problem, which involves the elastic and geometric stiffness matrices of the system. The Eigenvalue problem is solved using Arpack, which applies the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method.

Last updated