Reaction Forces

The “Reaction Forces”-component gives retrieves the support forces and moments. It expects a model at its input-plug and returns via “RF” and “RM” a data tree containing reaction forces in kNkN and reaction moments in kNmkN m as three-dimensional vectors. The “RF” and “RF” refer to the coordinate system defined at the corresponding support. By default, it is the global one. The outermost branches of "RF" and "RM" contain the results according to the current selection.

Specific supports can be selected via the "Pos|Inds"-input: either specify node indexes or positions. In case no input is provided, results for all supports will be output. The order of position- and index-input determines the order of result output.

The input-plug “LCase” sets the selection for retrieving results. In fig. "LCC/min/max" selects the minimum and maximum envelope of support reactions of load-case-combination "LCC". Via the radio buttons of the "For Supports"-menu of the "Result Selection"-component one can select the principal support component for which to retrieve the accompanying ones.

“Pos” returns the position of the supports in the same order as the results. “SumRF” and “SumRM” offer the possibility to check the resultant reaction moments and forces of the "RF" and "RM"-output.

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