3.3: Cross Section
Karamba3D offers cross section definitions for beams, shells and springs. They can be generated with the “Cross Sections” multi-component. Use the drop-down list on the bottom to chose the cross section type.
The dimensions of each cross section may be defined manually or by reference to a list of cross sections (see section 3.3.10).
Cross sections can be plugged directly into the components for creating elements (“LineToBeam”, “MeshToShell”, …). Alternatively when fed into an “Assemble”-component (see fig. 3.3.1) they act on the elements whose identifiers match the string given via “Elem|Id”. In case an element is provided at the “Elem|Id”-input, its identifier is used for attaching the cross section to elements. A cross section added via the “Assemble”-component overrides a cross section provided directly at an element-creation-component.
The indirect cross section specification through the “Assemble”-component has the advantage that elements can be specified using regular expressions. Upon assembly all element identifiers are compared to the “Elem|Id” entry of a cross section. In case of a match the cross section is attached to the element. An empty string – which is the default value – signifies that the cross section shall be applied to all elements. If two cross sections refer to the same element then that which gets processed later by the assemble-component wins. It makes no sense to attribute beam cross sections to shells and vice versa – Karamba3D ignores any such attempts.
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