
The "ShellView" component functions similarly to the "BeamView" component (see Section 3.6.7) and controls the display of shell analysis results. Figure illustrates the resultant displacement of a shell.

Shell cross-sections can consist of multiple layers (see Section 3.3.2). By default, the layer with index "0" spans the entire height of the cross-section, while additional layers can be used, for example, to represent reinforcement layers. The "LayerInd" input, which defaults to "0," allows the user to specify which cross-section layer to display. To select a specific position within a layer, the "fiber" parameter is used: "1" corresponds to the upper boundary, and "-1" corresponds to the lower boundary of the layer. The local z-axis points toward the upper boundary.

Since shell layers can have arbitrary orientations, it may be helpful to visualize their local coordinate systems. This can be achieved by using the "Local layer axes" radio button under the "Display Scales" submenu, where a slider is available to adjust the size of the coordinate system arrows.

The color range for displaying results spans from the minimum to the maximum value. Individual color ranges for all result quantities can be defined in the "karamba.ini" file via the Karamba3D/Settings menu. Alternatively, users can choose from a list of predefined color ranges via the component's context menu by right-clicking, navigating to 'Colors,' and selecting a range. A "Legend" component is available for inspecting the corresponding color values.

Under the sub-menu “Render Settings” one can choose from the following rendering options which always refer to the currently set layer:

"Cross section"

Shows the upper and lower surface of the current layer and adds them to the output at the “Mesh”-output plug. There are strips at the sides so that a closed volume results. The output meshes are welded together by default for to speed up their display. Set 'weld_shell_meshes_for_output' in the karamba.ini-file to false to get the meshes one by one.


Similar to "Cross section": adds colors at the vertices to indicate the thickness of the shell elements. The vertex colors result from the mean thickness of the faces they are connected to.


Renders the material utilization. The utilization is calculated as the ratio between the material strength and the material's equivalent stress (see section 3.5.1). A negative sign results if the negative value of the second principal stress is larger than the first principal stress. The output comprises two meshes symbolizing the utilization values on the top and bottom layer.


Colors the shell according to the resultant displacement.

"Princ. Stress 1"

Visualizes the resultant value of the first principal stress in the current fiber of the current layer. The fiber can be set with the “Position of results” slider (see below).

"Princ. Stress 2"

Displays the resultant value of the second principal stress in the current fiber.

"Equivalent Stress"

Renders the equivalent stress in the current layer and position. Its value depends on the strength hypothesis chosen for the shell layer's material (see section 3.5.1).

"Position of results"

Sets the position within the current shell layer where results are calculated. A value of 1 corresponds to the upper, −1 to the lower boundary of the current layer.

"Princ. Stress 1-2"

Enables or disables and scales the vector display of principal stresses in the current fiber of the current layer. Use the “Result Threshold” sliders in the “Display Scales”-menu of the “ModelView”-component to thin them out if necessary.

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