4.1.4: Runtime Errors

Karamba3D seems to get stuck while calculating a model

Depending on your computer (CPU, size of internal memory) Karamba3D can handle models in the order of 10000 elements efficiently. If overlong computation times occur check the number of models you actually calculate. Having the path structures of the input-data wrong may lead to multiple models. In such cases flattening or simplifying the input-data helps.

Icons in “Karamba3D”-toolbar do not show up

Sometimes it happens that Karamba3D’s component panels do not display any component icons. Select menu item “View/Show all components” in order to make them show up.


On some computers the analysis component of Karamba3D refuses to work and throws a “feb.karambaPINVOKE” exception. This may be due to left-overs from previous Karamba3D installations which were not removed properly during the installation procedure. In such a case proceed as follows:

  • Uninstall Karamba3D completely via settings/Software/...

  • Make sure that everything was removed:

    • Remove “karamba.dll” and “libiomp5md.dll” from the windows folder if they still exist.

    • Search your hard-disk for “karamba.dll”-, “karamba.gha”- and “karambaCommon.gha”- files and remove all occurrences by hand.

  • reinstall Karamba3D.

If this does not help do the following:

  • Check whether the “karamba.dll”-file in the “Windows”-folder is blocked: right-click on the file and select “Properties” then security.

This is plan “b” if the above does not help:

  • Start Grasshopper

  • Type “GrasshopperDeveloperSettings” in the Rhino Window and hit “ENTER”

  • Toggle the status of the “Memoryload *.GHA assemblies using COFF byte arrays” option

  • Restart Rhino

Plan “c” is to post a help request to the Karamba3D Grasshopper group or McNeel Forums.

Karamba3D does not work for some unknown reason

This is the recommended procedure:

  • In case that more than one item is plugged into an input, check the incoming data via a panel component.

  • Sometimes flattening the input data helps: The dimension of input-lists must be consistent. For diagnosis plug them into a Panel component which will show the dimensionality of the data. Another method is to enable "Draw Fancy Wires" in the View menu: Differently outlined connection lines signify different dimensionality of the data that flows through them.

  • If no results show, check whether preview is enabled on the "ModelView", "BeamView" or "ShellView" component.

Grasshopper cannot find a suitable version of ‘karamba.dll’ and throws a popup whenever Grasshopper is loaded

  • Check whether the ‘karamba.dll’ file in the Windows-folder is blocked. To do this, right click on the file in Explorer and go to Properties. If the file is blocked, there will be an option to ‘Unblock’ the file at the bottom of the Properties Window.

  • Check the directory where Karamba is installed. It should be located in the Plugins folder of the Rhino installation. This is often C:Program FilesRhinoceros 5.0 (64-bit)Plug-ins, however it can also be C:Program FilesRhinoceros 5 (64-bit)Plug-ins. Make sure the folders correlate.

  • Try to download and install the latest C++ runtime redistributables from https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads

Grasshopper Loading Errors in connection with Karamba3D plug-in

This error indicates, that the C++ library of Karamba3D is not loading correctly. This may have several reasons. Try the following:

  1. The C++ library depends on 'libiomp5md.dll' which is the Intel openMP runtime-library used for parallelization. There are several applications (e.g. Evolute Tools) which use the same dll and usually come with their own - sometimes outdated - version of it. 'libiomp5md.dll' should be backwards compatible. Try to replace all copies of 'libiomp5md.dll' that you find on your hard disk with the latest version - for example the one which comes in the installation folder of Karamba3D.

  2. If you get the above error message only when opening Rhino via double-clicking on a 3dm-file, then check whether you have a Rhino-Sophistik plug-in installed. Uninstall it and test whether the Karamba3D loading problem still persists.

Last updated