Load-Case-Combination Settings

The "Load Case Combination Settings"-component lets you specify the way Karamba3D analyzes load-case combinations.

The name of the load-case combination to which the settings apply can be supplied via the "LCase" input-plug and defaults to "LC0". Regular expressions starting with '&' and simplified regular expressions ending with '$' allow to select multiple load-case combinations at once.

Type of Calculation

The component's drop-down menu serves to select the way how a load-case combination shall be processed by components further down the data-stream.

Here some explanations in case you are not familiar with the concept of first and second theory calculations in structural computations:

  • Small displacement calculations imply that the impact of transverse displacements on the elongation of elements and thus axial force can be neglected. This assumption normally holds if a structure's maximum displacement is roughly less than halve the cross-section height.

  • Under the small displacement assumption equilibrium of forces in a structure can be calculated formulated for the undeformed or deformed structure. The former approach is called first order theory (Th. I) the latter second order theory (Th. II). Second order theory covers effects like buckling of beams and shells or stiffening of ropes via pre-tension. Compressive axial (think of beams) or in-plane normal forces in shells soften a system and increase existing bending moments, tensile forces stiffen a system and reduce bending moments (see also [10]). The contribution of second order theory effects to the system stiffness is called the geometric stiffness. The influence of compressive forces on displacements and cross section forces may be neglected as long as their absolute value is less than 10% of the buckling load.

The Small Displacements Option

The Small Displacements Th. II Option

Setting "CombiNII" to true (the default) or false impacts the character of results reached and speed of calculation. These are the advantages and liabilities of enabling "CombiNII":

  • With 'CombiNII' enabled, the load-case results may be linearly superimposed since they are based on the same system stiffness.

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