3.10.2: Rendered View

The "Rendered View"-component generates symbols as bakeable geometry.

To make the components visible in the Karamba3D toolbar navigate to "Karamba3D/Show Components/View ParametricUI" in the Grasshopper menu.

If the input-plug "Breps" is set to true the component output will be Brep geometry, otherwise symbols will be drawn as curves.

The output is structured as follows:

  • Loads: - a data-tree where each branch contains the following geometry:

    • {0} - Gravity

    • {1} - PointLoads

    • {2} - Moments at PointLoads

    • {3} - LineLoads

  • Supports - a list of support symbol geometries

  • Reactions - data-tree with two branches:

    • {0} - Forces

    • {1} - Moments

  • Joints - list of joint symbol geometries

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